
The Social Network vs. The Man Who Fell To Earth

David Fincher’s new film “The Social Network” has already been getting phenomenal reviews and many say not only will it get a best picture nomination at this year’s Oscars, it has an extremely good chance of winning.  I couldn’t help but notice how the poster looks very similar to the criterion cover of “The Man Who Fell To Earth.”  Could Fincher be paying homage to this film?  Wikidpedia says, “The Man Who Fell to Earth is a 1976 British science fiction film directed by Nicolas Roeg, based on the 1963 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis, about an extraterrestrial who crash lands on Earth seeking a way to ship water to his planet, which is suffering from a severe drought.”  Hmm…this doesn’t sound like it has many similarities…but the truth is in the viewing.

DVD Releases 9-21-10

Robin Hood comes out on DVD today with an “Unrated” cut of the film.  From what I understand, there is nothing “unrated” about this film.  It still proudly holds it’s PG-13 rating.  With that being said, that’s the only main problem I have with this film.  It should have been much more bloody considering all the battle scenes that take place in this film.  I enjoyed this film and I don’t know why this got such a bad rap.  It’s very entertaining, the story is good, and the battle scenes are masterfully staged from one of the best directors in the business (no…it doesn’t bother me at all that many of the scenes feel like Gladiator Part 2.  I don’t see anything wrong with that).  Sure there are some historical inaccuracies and Russell Crowe isn’t as good as you would hope…but this is still a very decent film and probably the best Robin Hood film made.  Grade. B

The Secret In Their Eyes is a film that won the 2009 academy award for Best Foreign Language film.  I have not seen this film yet, but I plan on renting it as soon as possible because everything I have heard about this film has been nothing but incredible praise.  Do yourself a favor and rent this film.

The Jet and Shu Show Album Recommendation for 9/14/10

September 14, 2010 was a big day for new music releases. We could easily recommend 4-5 albums, and you wouldn’t be disappointed. We have decided to only highlight one release (We do this because some weeks it will be hard to find even one good album), but we will add the names of some other good releases at the bottom.

Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart

Black Moutain – Wilderness Heart

from Jagjaguwar Records:
“Wilderness Heart, the new album by Black Mountain, is packed with succinct rock songs that pulse and pound with startling precision: it pummels you and you ask for more. This is arguably the band’s tightest, most concentrated venture, but there’s still plenty of raw rock energy at work. “It’s our most metal and most folk oriented record so far,” McBean says. “I’m not gonna say it’s our best record or the album that we always dreamt of making ’cause that’s what everyone says. It’s all about where we were at the time the machines were rolling. You can’t control the electricity or how your limbs were moving that day. You have to erase the visions and just go along for the ride.”

Buy it at Insound!

Here are some other above average albums that came out on 9/14/10:

The Walkmen – Lisbon
Of Montreal – False Priest
Robert Plant – Band of Joy
Azure Ray – Drawing Down The Moon
The Drums – The Drums
Grinderman – Grinderman 2
Les Savy Fav – Root For Ruin

Please Forgive Us!

Jet and Shu take the accuracy of their reporting very seriously. When we find out we’ve misspoken or misrepresented someone, we will issue corrections on this site. Here are a few of our gaffes from the podcast on 9/16/10:

Utah State is in the WAC Conference, not the Mountain West. We still think playing teams in the WAC is much more difficult than any team Samford will play in the Southern Conference.

Alex Barron was replaced by a healthy Marc Colombo on the Dallas Cowboys offensive line.

Katy Perry’s real last name is Hudson. Jet was correct in thinking it “starts with an “H”.

If you listen to our podcasts and find fact errors, please let us know. Remember, we are serious journalists with a reputation to uphold! Okay, maybe we’re not always serious, but we do want to be accurate.

Sittin On Tha Toilet

We played you the audio from this video last week. Now you can enjoy the video in all its glory! Remember, you can send us other videos, news stories, etc. by emailing us at thejetandshushow @

Maybe Worst Album Cover Ever?

On their last album, Weezer decided to give it the worst album name ever, “Raditude.”  Now they want to follow that up with the worst album cover ever.  Poor Hurley…he deserves better.

Katy Perry Is Not Hot But Cold

Katy Perry recently performed at her old high where she spotted her old “most popular guy” in high school in the audience.  She yelled at him for not dating her, and then she dedicated her next song “Your So Gay” to him.  Afterwards the guy was interviewed where he said he didn’t have any regrets not dating her, and he is happily engaged.  Not only does this make Katy Perry look like an idiot (who still has a grudge from high school when their 25?), but it adds more salt to the wound when you see how much hotter the guys fiance is.  Yeah…I must agree with him.  If my future wife looked like that, I wouldn’t have any regrets either.

Kid Rock Should Have Gone to IHOP

During our last show we talked about Kid Rock’s recent brawl at the Waffle House.  Although this sounds bizzare…it gets more strange (or pathetic).  Kid Rock testified in court that he had been drinking a 6-pack of beers that night, and he and his entourage decided to go to Waffle House to “celebrate” his album reaching number 1.  I guess Kid Rock had no better parties or anywhere else to go to celebrate his album reaching the top of the charts.  Nothing screams party like ordering the “All-Star Special.”

The Jet and Shu Show – 9/16/10

Download the new episode of the Jet and Shu Show!

We talk about what we’ve been doing since our last episode, entertainment news, new music releases, sports, and of course the random stories you expect to hear from Jet and Shu. Keep checking the websites for more updates!

Which Crossfire Do You Prefer??

The Crossfire commercial from the early 90s


Brandon Flowers new single “Crossfire”